
On September 10th it got serious, after extensive preparations the season finale of the Austrian Supermoto State Championship was on the agenda.

After everyone had arrived at the meeting point mentioned, we were able to start our way to Melk with a little delay due to traffic. After a good three hours' journey, we have reached the race track on the Wachauring in Melk. When we arrived we were clearly expected because we still had our hands full on Friday we had to lend a hand after a short hello and help with setting up the tent and the route. So that we could get everything over with quickly, the team was split up by our head of operations and so one part had to set up the track for training and races and the other part had to set up the tents.

On the route we had to completely set up the off-road and hang up the banners. After everything was done so far and we had received the OK, we set out on the way to distribute our required material to the items written by the acceptance. At around 9 p.m. our work was done so far and we then went home.

After we got something to eat, we made our way to the accommodation and got the rooms from our chief of operations.

On Saturday it was time to get out of bed early and have breakfast and hit the road. When we arrived there, we were immediately informed that the structure of the route had been changed and we had to arrange the conversion as quickly as possible so that we could start punctually at 08:00. After a whole day of training, the lost bet was redeemed and we were invited to a freshly grilled roast pork. Having eaten full and very tired, we made our way to the accommodation.

There we had to recharge our radios for race day and afterwards we had a lot of funny conversations before we fell asleep.

Sunday race day it was Top Motivated everyone got up at 6.00 am and strengthened themselves with a great breakfast. When we arrived at the track, we made the guards ready for action and at 8 a.m. we started again.

In the evening we had to load our things against dismantling and we made our way to Salzburg in good time.

When we arrived in Salzburg we all had to think about the winter break. With heavy hearts we all say goodbye to each other and wish that winter would be over quickly so that we could start a new season again.


Many thanks for your support

Today our head of operations brought a surprise to our very motivated employee on behalf of everyone.

Close to tears, she was really happy about it. After the handover, we talked about all the events and you really missed them all.

Depressed with a full head, our head of operations then had to say goodbye to you.

Contents of the gift group photo with individual pictures and a t-shirt with all of our signatures.

Finally, we wish you all the best for the future and you will always remain a part of us


On Friday, August 6th, the penultimate race of the Austrian State Championship in Cheb was on the program. After we all gathered at the meeting point for the scheduled departure at 1:30 p.m., we checked again whether the current provisions of the Covid19 regulation were met. After all of this was done and we were able to meet all the regulations, we made our way to Cheb, 327km away.

When we arrived there, we were given the room key and arranged the room. After all of this was completed, we had the order to bring the radios and everything that had to be brought to the racing office. Since we are quite a few and we say "many hands, fast end", it was done in a very short time. Since we had done everything that had to be closed, we could organize the evening for ourselves. Our head of operations and a few of the team couldn't take it and drove a few laps in the kart.

In the evening our head of operations decided to distribute the material to the post. He did that with an employee after the karting business was stopped.

On Saturday we got up early, as always, filled our posts and made ready for action. Since it had rained often and heavily the days before, it was decided that the off-road will be closed in the first free practice sessions. In the course of this training, the off-road part was examined by us and then opened from the second training after consultation with the race management. Part of the team then had to make their way to the posts in the off-road. We were able to drive it up to the qualifying before the rain made a mark on us and we had to close it again. After all the training was over, we went to the debriefing. There was a lot to talk about. After that, it was time for us to finish.

On Sunday the races started early and on the track.

We were able to finish the event on a positive note without any major accidents and we had to dismantle it before we went against home.

Pisek 2

For the race weekend on July 10th in Pisek we got the invitation to look at the side of a spectator.

We gladly accepted this invitation and so the three of us made our way to Pisek on July 9th. Once there, we were greeted by everyone as usual, and the organizer had a surprise in store for us and gave us the room key.

After moving into our rooms we went through the paddock and were able to watch the journey and the structure of the participants. The family of a driver gave us delicious food all weekend and so we could enjoy our "vacation".

On Saturday and Sunday we had the opportunity to look at the process next to the track, which we normally do not experience and move freely. We took a few photos, had interesting conversations and could really enjoy the other side of a race.

The weather was on our side so that we could have a nice weekend in the sunshine.

As on Saturday, we were able to move freely on the racetrack on Sunday. So we could see how the Czech colleagues handle the route safety. After all the races were over, we helped pack things up and then went back home.

After this successful weekend, we are already looking forward to the next race.

Pisek 1

The wait is now over:

It finally started on Friday, June 25th, 2021. The meeting point was at 2 p.m., first control of the Covid19 regulations and then departure to Pisek. After a good four hours of travel, we arrived at the racetrack highly motivated.

We got our rooms near the race track. After the registration and greeting of the most important people, it went on to the cozy part. In this group we also celebrated the birthday of our head of operations. After we had all been on the road for a long time, we soon went to bed.

The first training sessions were scheduled for Saturday and they went off without any problems. After the successful day of training, we took care of our material. Then there was a brief debriefing. After dinner together, we soon went to sleep in the room.

We had to get up early on race Sunday. After breakfast we went to the race track to fill all positions. The races started shortly afterwards. The event ended in the evening. We met for the final meeting, put all the material in the trailer or in the car. We said goodbye to the participants and drove home.



On Friday, September 11th, 2020, the departure to the season finale of the Supermoto State Championship and the Grenzland Cup in Fuglau was on our schedule. At around 1 p.m. we met to drive towards the race track to Fuglau.

When we arrived at the route, we greeted many familiar faces and put down our material trailer. Our head of operations for this weekend asked about the further procedure and got the address for the accommodation.

The rest of the team went to one of the racing drivers. Then we were invited to dinner. It was a nice gathering.

The vigil was at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday. After a wonderful breakfast we went to the racetrack. The posts were distributed and provided with material and radio.

Our head of operations discussed everything important with those involved. Then it went to the assigned post. Before the training rounds started, the radio check was repeated with the question "How is the communication, post-related route free?" did.

After a few training laps, one of the participants fell badly, but remained uninjured and left a huge trail of oil. The deputy race director and operations manager pulled all the posts together to bind this oil trail as quickly as possible so that the training laps could be continued. The training plan should be followed as well as possible.

The rest of the training day was then completed without any problems or major falls. A debriefing followed. The day of training was finally over and we could move on to the cozy part: barbecue - dinner

During dinner, our race director wanted to say a few words about the season that had just passed. He had a personal present under his sleeve for our Heidi. After the lovely words of the race director, our Heidi was asked to come up front and he was given his personal "Heidi Polo Shirt". With tears in her eyes, our Heidi had to try it on right away and was happy at the same time.

At around 9:30 p.m. it was time for us to drive towards our accommodation. On Sunday it was the same game for us as on Saturday: after breakfast, occupy posts and prepare for action.

At 8:00 am, the warm-up started before the races started. After a couple of super exciting races, it was time for a lunch break with great food.

We started the rest of the races in a good mood. Unfortunately, there was soon a serious fall that required an interruption. Apparently the injuries were so severe that we had to call in a helicopter. We set up a landing pad for him. After the helicopter took off, we were soon able to open the route again.

The races continued - unfortunately with a few accidents. The rescue was able to take care of the casualties because the injuries were not that severe.

After finishing all the races and collecting all the materials, there was another meeting. There was a lot of praise for us there. We also learned that none of the accident victims were injured as badly and would soon be fit again. With these praises for all of us, we made our way home and we look forward to the next season in 2021.


On the weekend of 08/21/2020 - 08/23/2020 we drove with a small group to the Czech Republic for the penultimate run of the Supermoto.

Once there, we decided that, as usual, we will spend the night in a tent on the route. We also started setting up our tent right away. Then we inspected the track with the race director and assigned the necessary posts. After we were successfully assigned to posts, we were provided with freshly grilled food, after which we went to sleep in our tent.

On Saturday after getting up, we brought our equipment to the post and were able to start training on time. We were able to complete the event perfectly on Saturday evening without any major damage and prepare for race Sunday. As the day before, we were grilled again. After a cozy and fun evening, we went to bed in our tent so that we slept well for the races.

On Sunday, after we were woken up at 7:00 a.m., there was a quick coffee. Soon afterwards, the station was occupied as the first warm-ups started. The races began at around 9 a.m. We had to stop two races during the day due to serious accidents. We immediately provided first aid and were able to implement what we had learned. At the end of the race day we got the happy information from the accident victims that it was only a question of bruises and that they were on the mend.

When the races were over, we cleared away the equipment, dismantled our tent, and headed home


On Friday, August 6th, 2020 around 1 p.m. we went to the next super motor race in Cheb, Czech Republic. After a five-hour drive, we arrived at our accommodation, where we were eagerly awaited. After moving into our rooms, one of the participants invited us to dinner. After a wonderful barbecue evening, we soon had to go to our rooms, because the next morning, the driver and safety briefing was on the program after breakfast. Then we took our equipment and went to our assigned security post.

Until the lunch break, there were exciting training rounds without major assignments for us. So we could go into the lunch break in a good mood. After the break, the training rounds continued, and these, too, were largely accident-free. In the evening the training was finished, for us it also meant the end of the day.

In the evening there was a cozy get-together with a daily analysis and a subsequent dinner. After dinner everyone had to say: "Crib lock".

The next morning, race day, we were again very motivated and strengthened by the perfect breakfast. With blue skies and pure sunshine, we knew that it would be very exhausting for the drivers and us. We are in a good mood back to our post from the day before to make us ready for action. After a lot of exciting overtaking maneuvers, this day passed very quickly and without any major problems.

After we had finished packing all of our things into the car after the race, we had to start our way home again.


On August 1st - August 2nd, 2020 we had the honor of taking over the route safety at the Austrian Supermoto State Championship and the G-Cup.

On Saturday after breakfast coffee, we made our way to the race track in Greinbach, highly motivated in glorious sunshine.

When we arrived there, we were greeted in the most friendly manner by the organizing team and we started with the delivery of the material and the radio distribution with allocation of positions and briefing.

After all the organizational work, we moved into our assigned positions and by point

At 8 o'clock the first "free practice sessions" started.

After the first free practice sessions we had an hour at noon which we used to strengthen ourselves before the rest of the free practice sessions continued at 1 p.m. and the timed practice sessions that ended shortly after 5 p.m.

After we were able to finish the first day perfectly with great weather and have cleared away our material, handed over the radios to recharge, we were invited to a nice barbecue by the enthusiastic head of operations.

After the barbecue we went back to our accommodation so that we are ready for tomorrow's race day.

On Sunday at 6 a.m., a hearty breakfast was the top priority so that we would have enough strength by our lunch break to be able to do our job.

Shortly after we had strengthened ourselves, we drove to the track as on Saturday, took out our material and radio equipment and immediately afterwards took up the post.

After the radio check was over, we started with the first warm-ups before the races started.

As on Saturday, the time passed very quickly and it was noon.

So we strengthened again.

At 1 p.m. the races continued until around 5 p.m. and afterwards we put all of our required material in our trailer with many hands and were able to start our journey home after a well-deserved after-work beer.

First aid course

On Sunday, July 19th, 2020 we had the opportunity to hold our prescribed first aid course on the grounds of the Schwarzenberg barracks.

The meeting point was at 8 a.m. at the main gate of the barracks. After we were complete, we drove closed to the object where we could hold the first aid course. After the necessary setup, the course started.

We were in the fields

** Correct transmission of the emergency call

** wound care

** Mind Control

** rescue from the danger zone

trained before we had a small snack.

Then there was a short break that was used to strengthen. Then it went on with the topics

** correct helmet removal

** Resuscitation

** rescue from the vehicle

** a small group work

After we had worked through all the topics, we briefly discussed our group work and repeated what we had learned.

We were able to close the day in a very instructive and interesting way and look forward to an accident-free 2020 racing season.

Our special thanks go to the course lecturer Rene and our victims Heidi and Katrin